
For years I’ve been dreaming of a family-home-cinema evening: just the six of us, in our standard five+one formation (five humans + our canis familiaris), squeezing  cuddling on our living-room couch and watching a good movie on a big movie screen. Right… now you’re probably asking: oh, yeah, if you’ve been dreaming of this for years, how come you never managed to organize such a simple event so far? Well, the answer is simple: it’s first of all video-projector producer’s fault. Those prices… they’re incredible. Way too high. It’s their fault that so far I could never justify shelling out hundreds of €€€s for a piece of equipment which would be used only occasionally… Oh, wait a sec, my conscience is telling me something: excuses, excuses… Ok, nevermind. In a nutshell: we’ve never had a chance to organize such a family event so far (due to video-projector producer’s pricing policies 🤥).

And then my employer declared bankruptcy, ruining my dream carreer… Ha? Say again? Bankruptcy? What does any company’s bankruptcy have to do with family home-cinema dreams? Well, it has everything to do with it. You see, since the very first moment of the insolvency proceedings, the company (i.e. insolvency trustee) has been trying to get as much cash as possible by selling all possible assets, including all of the remaining marketing collaterals, furniture and IT equipment. For the first time in my life I got the chance to purchase an old but really nice pre-owned Dell DLP office projector at an affordable price. Poor thing has probably been hanging from the ceiling in some meeting room as it was rather dusty, but with only a few scratches and -most importantly- it was in the price range which I could afford  (perhaps one could have fished out a similar unit at a comparable price on eBay? We’ll never know…)

[now you get to choose the ending]

Ending nr. 1

And so I brought the projector home, we connected an old laptop via VGA cable (this projector can only do XGA) and streamed “Balto” from Amazon Prime. It all worked out perfectly and we enjoyed our first ever family home-cinema evening and the movie about a brave dog who… ah, you don’t need to know this right now. 🙂

Ending nr. 2

And so I brought the projector home, we connected an old laptop via VGA cable (this projector can only do XGA) and played a DVD movie. Tried to play the movie, that is. Because the darn thing was obviously broken. Aaarrghh! The picture started flickering after only few minutes and projector bulb went off and on again… oh, man. I brought it back the next day, but the IT guys wouldn’t accept any returns. 😥

Ok folks, so what did we learn from this story? Which ending did you like more?

Please leave a comment and like!*

Home-cinema evening


* due to lack of Facebook and Youtube channels, we currently only accept “old-school likes”. Just in case you forgot how this is done: put on your best used car salesman’s smile while looking straight at your device’s display. Now, while smiling and looking straight at the display, make an upwards motion with your hand and do the “thumbs up”. Don’t forget to keep smiling! And if you really like this blog a lot, do the upwards motion & “thumbs up” with both hands at the same time! And now nod with your head. Oh, and make sure you don’t get caught doing this because people *will* be asking questions… 🙂

Video blogging…

Yesterday I received my China made photo studio set consisting of a white backdrop, two softboxes incl. 5500K bulbs and a set of light reflectors. The quality is not bad for the price paid. Not bad at all. From now on, I’ll use this set for all my eBay photos. As a matter of fact, I already did shoot a few photos of my Bass ukulele (which I will put up for auction on eBay very soon, BTW) and the photos came out really nice. Yeah, I know – I should’ve ironed the backdrop, but honestly – I can’t be bothered right now. Perhaps I’ll do it later… Check out my photo/video studio setup on the pic below.


My basement photo studio setup
My basement photo studio setup

And here’s one of the ukulele photos. Whaddaya say? Looking good, ha? Oh, and yes, that is indeed the original B-Band pickup/preamp system. Yeah, baby. And Aquila Thundergut strings. Believe me, this little uke sounds like an upright bass when amplified. I’ll hate to see it leave my collection, but… New life, remember?

Bass ukulele with Thunderugut strings and B-Band pickup
Bass uke with Thundergut strings and B-Band pickup

After this initiall photo success I decided that it was time to follow up on the old idea of doing a video blog. Casey Neistat style. And so I did a first test-run. Recorded a few takes with different settings, just to see what gives. Yeah, right. Video blog my a$$. It was a total disaster. Fail. My voice sounded awful (as in: totally horrible) and I was moving around as if I was suffering from a really bad case of a hyperactivity disorder.

Apart from the actual video being less than optimal (due to my… ahm… appearance and voice quality), I have to say that, from the technical perspective, this home-recording-video-studio setup was really well made. Two softboxes, one on each side of the room provided beautiful lighting. I attached a Røde microphone for studio-grade sound quality. I even used my MacBook as a monitor, to see myself while recording (I found this tip on YouTube: Frame Yourself with iPhone’s Back Camera). Being able to see the resulting video while recording is, of course, a cool feature. The problem is that – one tends to look at the monitor all the time, instead of looking straight at the camera lens. That’s why I came up with this little sticker-reminder saying “<- Look here!” (a trully revolutionary idea. Wonderful solution. Every video blogger novice should be using this! :-).

Oh, well… I guess everything requires practice. That old martial arts proverb “train for a 1000 days and you’re still a beginner; train 10,000 days and you are a master” is so true. Now I have just 9,999 days to go. Master photographer, here I come! How many years was that again?

Look here!
Look here!

So, folks – don’t expect to see any videos in this blog for the time being. It’s just too embarrassing. If I manage to brush up on my voice with some compression and EQ to a decent level, I’ll dare to upload a video in the future… Or maybe I’ll just upload a few videos and let you choose. How about that?

Thank God it’s Friday

Petak je. Najzad. Ja zapravo nešto baš i nisam u fazonu “thank God it’s Friday”, al’ kad su svi u tom fazonu, eto, da se i ja priključim. Ja lično sam mišljenja da – ako ti se npr. ne svidja posao – promeni ga odmah. Nemoj da čekaš petak, jer ćeš ionako u ponedeljak ponovo “morati” na posao. I tako do penzije. Čuj, što kaže Vanja – neki tako zapravo i presede na poslu do penzije, čekajući da prodje dan i dodje petak… Ja sve kontam, bolje naći posao gde se raduješ ponedeljku i novoj radnoj nedelji, nego se mučiti na poslu cele nedelje, da bi se obradovao petku ili tom patrljku od nedelje zvanom vikend.

Sedim u vagonu gradske železnice, hitam poslu. Oko mene umorni jutarnji maratonci, i oni trče tu istu trku. Svaki dan. Tamo. I nazad. Poneki zalutali turista tu i tamo. Njih odmah prepoznaš: uprtili rance, napunili torbe pa su valjda naumili da stignu nekud. Ljudi većinom zaronili u knjige, novine, mobilne telefone. Svi u istoj pozi – čitaju uspravno sedeći, pognute glave, pod 45°. Kao one lutke u izlozima prodavnica. Ceo vagon kao jedan veliki izlog. Šta li bi se prodavalo u jednoj prodavnici sa takvim izlogom? Boga pitaj. A vagon je star. I osvetljenje je staro. Lampe bacaju neku sivo-žutu neonsku svetlost. Napolju se još nije sasvim razdanilo. Klasika – suncu se ne žuri da dodje, a mesecu da ode…

Prošaram pogledom po vagonu s vremena na vreme. Čisto da vidim dal je neka interesantna nova faca ušla u vagon. I onda spazih sopstveni lik u prozoru. Da, to je ta ista poznata faca i dobri stari nasmejani lik ali… ostario si, Markane. Ostario a da nisi ni primetio. I tako, ako nekad stojite na peronu gradske železnice i vidite nekog putnika kako vam se iz vagona smeška  – to sam možda ja. Samo, ne smeškam se ja vama, već sebi. Putujem na posao. Radujem se. Osam sati zaborava. Osam sati nit’ me juri prošlost, nit’ me vreba budućnost. Osam stručnih sati, pretopljenih u jedan dugačak trenutak…

Odraz u prozoru
Odraz u prozoru

Velika rasprodaja snova…

Srećna Nova Godina! Happy New Year! Frohes Neues!

Jutro. Mračno jutro. Hladno. Kiša lije. Prava pravcata novembarska kiša. U januaru… Malo smo zbunili ovu našu majčicu Zemlju u poslednje vreme, pa ona ni sama ne zna kakvo vreme priliči ovom dobu godine. Al dobro, ajde, to nam je što nam je…

Rainy day in Berlin
Rainy day in Berlin

Danas je prvi radni dan u ovoj godini. Znam, jeste, i juče je bio radni dan. Ali ne za mene. Uzeo sam bio slobodan dan. Čisto da pozavršavam razne kućne poslove, da odnesem stari neupotrebljivi nameštaj na deponiju i da se odmorim od… od… Hm. Da, od čega? Osećam da mi treba odmor, a nisam baš načisto zbog čega i od čega. Čuj, uskoro će mi trebati odmor od odmora, toliko sam postao “popustljiv” prema samom sebi. 🙂

Danas beše produktivan dan: odnesoh neke stare raspadnute dušeke na deponiju (tj. recycling yard). Ti dušeci su stajali u podrumu, naslonjeni na zid. Zauzimali mesto i čekali bolje dane. Pa onda neke ogromne kartonske kutije, pa brdo nekih knjiga za predškolski uzrast. I masu drugih starih i neupotrebljivih gluposti. Podrum je izgledao kao stovarište. Ali bukvalno. Sada je kao nešto malo bolje… Pa sam popravio stolice u trpezariji, pa išao da kupim a potom i zamenio izgorelu sijalicu u kuhinji. Pa sam pomogao Lukaškinu da sastavi svoj novi radni sto, pa pomogao Maksi da rastavi ormar iz njegove sobe (da se odnese u podrum, gde će valjda i on stajati i čekati bolje dane).

A podrum nam je, inače, prepun snova i starih, sad već istrošenih želja. Bukvalno, sve neki impulsi nekih trenutaka iz prošlosti. Neki stari snovi (ispunjeni, pa odbačeni), neke kompenzacije ko zna čega iz mladosti. Svašta nešto, čega nismo imali, pa nam se sad prohtelo da to nadoknadimo. Sve se to našlo u podrumu. U obliku raznih džidža-bidža, većih i manjih. Da se razumemo, sigurno i drugi imaju slična stovarišta, ali ovo naše je za mene baš specijalno. Kao neki vremeplov. Tačno mogu da se setim šta me je kad spopalo. Koju sam “veliku ideju” imao u kom trenutku. Te gitara, pa pojačalo, pa bicikl, pa ovo, pa ono… Ali toga svega više neće biti u novom životu. Novi život će biti opušten, lak i oslobodjen takvih gluposti. Kol’ko god to bude bilo moguće. A sve te stare materijalizovane snove i želje ćemo prodati.

Počinje velika rasprodaja snova…