Being a father and writing micro blog posts

I feel that, as a father, I’m somewhere between the father figures as presented in the movies “Captain Fantastic” and “The Glass Castle” (only I’m the opposite of an alcoholic)… oh, yes and Brad from “Brad’s Status”. And perhaps a touch of Kevin Spacey in “American Beauty” (only, I’m totally not into smoking pot and falling in love with teenage girls). And if the protagonist of the movie “Into the Wild” had kids – that be me, too. A mixture of all of those…


And… This is the first in series of my super short micro-blog posts. Since I’m not an English native speaker, writing long blog posts always takes much more time than I can currently afford. So I decided to write these micro-posts. Like tweets, only published on the blog. 😀 By doing so, at least my thought of the day gets logged. Otherwise, I’d be postponing and postponing and in the end never get to actually sit down and write and publish all those wild thoughts that are currently flying around my head or write about stuff that’s going on in my life…

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