…the virus. And all it took was just a few weeks. Incredible. The moment you mention to anyone that you feel awkward about the current situation (I’m not saying which situation, but… you know… WHO knows), you risk being classified as a heretic. Or perhaps a lunatic.

So many people are going crazy right now, getting hysterical. Wearing masks, keeping distance from their neighbours, from their friends, their loved ones, from the passers by… but the most tragic of all – so many people seem to be keeping distance from their own mind. From their own thoughts. And all of this is happening to such extent that it hurts.
It’s amazing that “1984“, “Brave new world“, “Fahrenheit 451“, “Animal farm” have all been written long ago. And now that dystopian society is no longer in the distant future but happening right here, right now – people don’t seem to realize…
Crazy shit. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do wear the mask and I’m keeping distance and I’ll also obey any other directive that is imposed upon us. But… may I at least have my opinion on the topic? No? “Computer says no”?
Even people I totally respected and for whom I thought were free spirits and thinkers are just parroting the official narrative. How crazy is that? Hello, folks! Wake up! Heehey!
Duh. I guess it’s useless. Followers aren’t thinkers…
The worst of all – the moment you dare to challenge the topic – you instantly become a conspiracy theorist. This is probably as sad as it gets. Snap your fingers “snap!” and there you go – you’re “one of them”. Haha. It would have been really funny if it weren’t so tragic.
On the second thought – perhaps the saddest of all is the fact that the free thought has been killed in a matter of days… Yep. That must be the saddest part…
But, ok, if that’s what the world decided to be, let’s just carry on and whistle… “blue skies, smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see…” 🎼